Business Central

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Everything you wanted to know about


but needed someone to ask

Realistic scenarios

Expert knowledge

What you'll find inside

This is a complete compendium of knowledge in which you will find answers to the most common questions about Microsoft Dynamics Business Central.

What are the Microsoft Dynamics Business Central licenses?

How is the environment installed and configured?

How long does it take to get the system up and running?

What does the system launch look like, and how many stages is such a deployment divided into?

Do you know what modifications are needed at the startup?

Well, how much does it cost?

We have included all the information in our compendium. Download it now:


Based on experience from deployments

Why is this material worth exploring?

Because it is the only such study on the market.

It was compiled by an experienced team of consultants, developers, and administrators, who in more than 50 pages prepared a plan for implementing Microsoft Dynamics Business Central in a matter of weeks and within a predetermined budget.

Why should you trust us?

We are a gold partner of Microsoft.

We have been in the market for 23 years.

We are proud of each of our ~90 implementations.

We are a team of 45 specialists.


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